Human Capital

Welcome to the HUMAN CAPITAL magazine. A virtual place to share information, experiences, questions and challenges on talent dynamics, the art of work relations and best management practices fomenting the development of people, organizations and networks.

Human capital is the most valuable treasure and most competitive advantage we count with. From the domestic work until the millions generated in monetary value, the energy, talent, efforts, feelings, desires and dreams are immersed of each one forming the human capital of our families, our society and of our planet on which we are time passengers. With regards and with an invitation to be part of this project, I remain

Lissette Montealto

Teamwork, people´s contribition to results

Which type of organization will function better, one managed by one talented and initiative taking person or the one oriented towards team work?

Organizations depending mainly on individual personas with certain level of talent, might be successful in small enterprises, but will be getting more problems when the enterprise is extending.

There is the danger that “Mr. Superior” might take the wrong decisions in complex situations, based on inadequate information. As a result, although some success might be achieved, big and costly mistakes can occur.

The team concept has its roots in sports and depends on two simple principles: find the right players and assure that they permeate well. You get good teamwork through a clear understanding between its members. The BELBIN© team roles methodology, based on these premises, was elaborated from a nine years investigation of teams playing management games at the Henley Management College in the United Kingdom.

The wide behavioral variations you find within a team raise the following question: What is a team roll? It is a tendency to behave, contribute and interact with the others of the team in a determined manner.

Now we have a new language to talk about teams, something that has less to do with functions than with each individual´s contribution, in other words, with the way each one plays the game.

Each member of an executive team tends to contribute in a characteristic way: while some come up with ideas, others present practical solutions, and someone else acts as an evaluator, judging which of the ideas or opinions are well argued. This combination of roles influences the results in a decisive way. Definitely different types of persons make different contributions and cooperate in the building of a balanced team.

The team members should take into account their roll and the roles of the rest of the others and adjust their natural roll in case it turns out to be necessary. That is to say that team members have to modify the natural behavior to adapt themselves to a certain situation, as there is no doubt that in this way better results are obtained than if one person or a big group of persons would work on it.

Understanding the team roles theory helps persons to know which function each one has within a team and as a result better results will be obtained in our work.

Source:Marián Albaina

Director of Belbin Associates Spain



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